Thursday, June 18, 2009

Key notes from HIT, World Innovation Summit

From Rosabeth Moth: "Strategy on innovation"

5 F lessons applies to innovation: focus, flexibility , fast, friendly on collaboration, fun. Think beyond your company to extend your partners like IBM does. Also innovation means hard work, find solutions to save the world, doing something instead of complaining, and is implied in the culture (willing to win, adapt, transform...)

From Ray Kurzweil: "Future's innovation"

Technology doubles power every year, potential growth is predictable. In 2010 no computers, everything will be virtual. More info at

From Gary Hamel: "Innovation on management" (this was my favourite one)

Innovate the management model, radical management model. Challenging the status quo.
Today top challenges are continous changes, high competition (barries falling down to enter into big markets) and knowledge is becoming a comodity.

Mgrs job changes from job description mgmt (where mgrs tell what others should do) to create and estimulate the enviroment helping employees to do things. Ideally mgr's span of control should be 60 employees by mgr. All commitment should be voluntair, everyone is able to say no to any request. How to become mgmt innovator leader? Transparency, small teams becoming profit centers, look what new comers are doing (don't look at top fortune companies).

Most of people see web is changing operational model, some people see web is changing business model and just a few people see web as an enabler of mgmnt model changes. Until now, beaucracy and markets (where markets promoted the use of creativity). Humans always has been adapted to circunstances. Now it's time that humans are able to work differently.

More info at

Vijay Govindarajan (VG): "Execution on innovation"

Strategy is about selectively forget the past and create the future while most of companies are spending their time and efforts in managing the present.

VG paradigm: we should ask ourselves "how India can transform or help Ford?" instead "what Ford can do for India"

Do an analysis about competition for the future -> oportunity gap -> renewal

Best practices + benchmarking: is not strategy. Next practices instead of best practices.

Growth Playbook: put your 2009 projects into 3 areas: (1) core biz (2) adjacent space (3) enterely new space. And then think about which is your right balance?

His book is "10 rules for strategic innovators"and his blog at

Friday, April 24, 2009

2.0 Trends

During Web 2.0 Expo held this month in San Francisco two topics were most commented: the influence of the crisis and social nets in the web. From my point of view, the key learnings from the Expo were
• The new concept of “Lean startup”. Lean management strategy applied in the past to the production now applies to the new start-ups. Times for big investments withour clear ROI are over. Now new entrepeneurs requires to prove ROI to their investors from the beginning. Resources to the minimum just for maximize the investment in a short period of time is the key message for new comers.
• “Ad-versity”. Reduction of marketing funds is pushing to marketers to segment more and more than before.
• Social nets are changing the way of sales, marketing and product development teams are working.
• Moving from product to service based economy is pretty clear.
• Measure of ROI arrives to the web 2.0. Lots of new initiatives and products around tools and measurement algorithms to track the return on advertising and searching over Internet.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Who gets money from VC in Silicon Valley?

Interesting to observe which top SW companies receive money from Venture Capital in Silicon Valley from latest Quarterly report:
  1. 75 M$ goes to Silver Spring Networks in later stage of Smart Network for utilities
  2. 22 M$ to Fijan Software in later stage as well of their online security tools
  3. 21M$ to Goodmail Systems to expand their email certification platform
  4. 20M$ to Kosmix to expand their web search engine
  5. 16M$ to Zvents to expand their events web search technology
  6. 15M$ to Zuora to expand their online subscription services platform
  7. 10M$ to Sharpcast to expand their sync+store+share web platform
  8. and other 58 companies received 215M$ in total, that means 3.7M$ each in the last Q4'08.

I'm glad to see VC still believe in potential SW companies in the Bay Area. Maybe this time early stages and seed phase of start-ups received less large amounts of money than previous quarters, but still a large number of companies received money for their new adventures specially for security, mobility, multimedia, video, networking, web based services and social nets.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Barack Obama, new CEO of America

If Obama was named as CEO of an American company, this should be an extract of his first speech: 
"Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin again the work of remaking our company....
Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends - hard work and honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and companionship - these things are old. These things are true. They have been the quite force of progress throughout our company history....
What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility - a recognition, on the part of every employee, that we have duties to ourselves, our company and our world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task... 
This is the source of our confidence - the knowledge that our Council calls on us to shape an uncertain results. This is the meaning of our empowerment and our teamwork...
..during rising tides of benefits and the still waters of profit ...amidst gathering clouds and raging storms".


Friday, December 12, 2008

My first feedback about Creapolis

On Feb 1st  Creapolis will be opened, the new Innovation Center of ESADE Business School located in Sant Cugat, Barcelona, Spain. We were some of the first people to trust 100% in this project, we present them our innovation project last Spring, they accepted us and then we signed our compromise to be there next year. 
Two days ago I attend first conference in Borja Center, attached to the new building still under construction, and my first feedback was very positive and engaged with it.  
In addition to the already known innovation principles from Esade, 3 entrepreneurs explained us their reasons and projects, and I think we can certainly cooperate with all of them: one potential customer, a second company can provide us their e-learning technology for our project, and the third one could do some joint brainstorming about new sales programs. 
About the site and environment conditions, I would say that's very clear that design, ideas brainstorming and open spaces to promote internal cooperation are completely linked. We are really expecting to be there in several weeks to start our next third month of this new adventure of innovation: Arkinet Media (more info at

Thursday, November 6, 2008

10 Tips & Tricks to sell better in tough times

10 ingredients to sell better during these tough times:
1. Identify your most valuable customers (20% of your clients are making your 80% margin)
2. Don't loose any important client
3. Concentrate your effort in selling high margin products & services
4. Sell additional low-cost services/products to your customers to increase your revenue
5. Don't accept bad excuses from your sales people
6. Redefine your sales team. Are you sure all your sales team has right skills for tough times?
7. Constantly communicate to your most valuable customers
8. Improve your sales tool. Use your time free to do it
9. Create new products/services for price sensitive/lower budgetted customers
10. Be positive. Crisis is temporary. Send these 10 tips&tricks to your clients to help them

You will cook a good dish with these 10 ingredients and ensure your organization knows it, agrees and uses it every day.. I'm sure you will become a great chef!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Our First Anniversary

Yesterday we've been celebrated our First Anniversary of Pigmalio team.

We are really excited, satisfied and enthusiastic about making our First Anniversary. Our key learnings in this first year are: keep yourself motivated even if an important customer delays 3 times your meeting, own your own agenda otherwise you're lost, encourage others to make joint business, put yourself under pressure to accomplish your own daily objectives, avoid non profitable efforts, and keep efficiency rules to create, develop and deliver services... and continously listening and experiencing to learn everyday and everynight to keep your competition away.

We are proud to help growing our partners and customers business this first year!
Our Second Anniversary will come soon... in only 364 days!!

Just a small comment about current environment: under current economic circunstances, we are proving sales opportunities are still in the market. Maximizing profits by maximizing most value customers of our customers, proactively selling and focusing on keep profitable products and services are key drivers to survive and to grow at least in profit for our customers. We believe hard moments make stronger companies and more efficients.